A feasibility study recently undertaken for a new extension to a semi-detached home in Stillorgan.
The proposed single storey extension moves the existing kitchen into the new part of the building while redistributing the Dining Room into the void created, the living room is left undisturbed aside from the new large
window. Between the new and existing parts of the building a courtyard is created. All of these spaces are joined by a circulation zone which runs from the front to the rear door. The total of new floor space is 25m2 along with a 20m2 patio.
The butterfly roof over the kitchen allows for the sun to penetrate deep into the building. The morning sun enters though the overhead windows and the gable end of the extension and reaches far into the plan. It is in the second half of the day that the design is catered to, at this time the inhabitants return from their daily occupations to find the spaces steeped in light. They will also find an external courtyard which also takes full advantage of the evening light.