We opened the site June 2013, with excavation works starting on entrance and road up to site as per my landscape design layouts. The topsoil was stripped back and 4 inch stone was laid for the new road to enable site access.
The next step was to dig out footings which were extra wide due to the timber frame construction.
The following day the first concrete was poured with all hands on deck. If anybody is reading this and has never been on a site when concrete arrives to a site it is a sight to behold. Concrete lorry arrives, somebody shouts CONCRETE HERE. All hell breaks loose, grown men who probably hadn’t ran since they last time they saw a concrete lorry arriving on site run for shovels, rakes, timber screeds etc. (and put on the wellies). Concrete has to be worked while it is fresh and so if it is not done in time and correct it can be a terrible task to remedy. This is even more important in a timber frame construction whereby the levels have to be 100% accurate because the frame of the house is made off-site, arrives by crane and is landed in place to the exact dimensions.