The rising walls were built within a week and then radon barrier is put on. This one of the jobs that the self builder can do himself. It is best done with two people and on a day with low […]
We opened the site June 2013, with excavation works starting on entrance and road up to site as per my landscape design layouts. The topsoil was stripped back and 4 inch stone was laid for the new road to enable […]
At an early stage it was decided to go the self-build route. The client had family members who were involved in the building industry, and a local engineer was engaged to project-manage the building. It was very important for us […]
The main cornerstone of design is 1. the budget 2. site constraints 3. planning law 4. aesthetics. It is with this in mind that we finalised and submitted for planning application. In order to submit the application I also needed […]
I my experience the most common criteria to look out for when choosing a site are 1. Is it in a historical / archaeological area 2. Are the sightlines to the road achievable to the NRA guidelines, (if not will […]
There was positive feedback from the planner on all aspects of our proposal, it is with experience over the years that I have learnt to try and omit contentious aspects of design. There are some very good publications to which […]
With a positive response from the planner I started my design. I tend to start out with the clients wish list on one side of the table, a blank piece of paper, eraser, pencil, a lovely cup of Barry’s tea […]
The site itself had a lovely old building constructed of old granite and dated back well over hundred years. It was hoped to integrate this building into the new design. The first port of call was to the Local Authority […]